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"Paardenkracht" bronze H 210x190 cm, UMCG Groningen


“De Paarden” is a work made specifically for this situation.The horse in art has centuries, not to say millennial of history. It is for this reason that I never see it like an animal but always like a sculpture or painting. My opening towards this animal happened thanks to my son. He approached to me this animal, already from when he was a few months old, seeing an image of the horse was enough to let him smile, he had the feeling the animal horse was his friend. It seems "an innate" love that pushes to find the way to approach the animal and to make contact. The horse is “the symbol” of the body. In this hospital we find ourselves in front of a story of horses that communicate sentiment of energy, playfulness and love. In an entrance of a hospital what can you wish to everybody?I thought ‘energy’, I chose the horse – no, this is not true - I chose many horses. And these horses, they create a story which repeats it self. A pair of horses which run after each other; one dominates the other standing up on two legs. In this case the male standing up is showing his nakedness and his power. For this reason he is without tail, without mane. The third group of horses embraces each other, and the passion of love finds place.

Simona Vergani

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